How to Edit WPForms Entries from Frontend
WPForms is a powerful drag-and-drop form builder that allows you to create custom forms for your WordPress site. With WPForms, you can easily add, edit, and delete form fields, as well as manage your form entries. To view or edit WPForms entries, simply go to the Entries tab in the WPForms menu. Here, you will see a list of all the form entries that have been submitted. You can also filter the list by date or form name. This will open up a detailed view of the entry, which you can then edit or delete as needed. But all of this happens in the backend of the site.
If you want to learn more about WPForms entries check this article.
If you are looking for an option to permit the users of your site to edit their entries from frontend then Views for WPForms is the solution. Views for WPForms has Edit Entries addon which can be used for letting logged-in users edit the entries.
Note: Edit Entries Addon is available in the Developer license of Views for WPForms.
How Does Edit Entries Addon Work?
The core design principle behind edit entries addons is to give users a familiar interface as if they are submitting the form. To achieve this, when somebody is editing an entry they are taken to the page that has the actual form but the fields will be pre-filled with entry data.
Users can then modify the field input data and then submit the form. On form submission, it will update the existing entry rather than creating a new entry.
You can test the Edit Entry feature from the editing demo page.
Steps to Edit WPForms Entries from Frontend
- The first step is to make sure you have WPForms, Views for WPForms, and Edit Entries add-ons installed on your site.
- Now open the View for which you want to enable the edit entries feature. If you haven’t created a view yet then check the detailed guide for creating a view.
- Add the Edit Entry field in your view.
- Now let’s set the page link where users will be able to edit their entries. Click on the Edit Entries Settings under View Settings in the right sidebar.
- Add the page link where you have the WPForms Form, this Form’s fields will be prefilled with data from saved entry.
- That’s it, now save the View & open the page where you have the view on the site’s frontend. You will see the Edit Entry link there.

Can Guest Users Edit WPForms Entries?
No, non logged-in users can’t edit WPForms entries. They won’t be able to see the link to edit the entry. It will show as an empty column for them.
Can a users edit their own Entries?
Yes, you can display users only their submitted entries and they can also edit it if you added the edit link in the view.
Can Users Edit Other User’s Entries?
Yes, Administrators can edit all the entries however other user roles can edit their own entries only by default. You can set Edit Entries permissions for other user roles from WPForms Views => Settings => Access
Can Users Edit Entries Directly from View?
If you want to allow entry editing directly from the view then it can be done using inline entry addon. Inline entry addon is great if you want to speed up the process of entry editing. All the edits are done without page refresh and you will be able to edit multiple entries from one page itself.