WPForms has a built- in feature that lets you ‘star’ important entries in the backend. When combined with Views for WPForms then it becomes a powerful moderation tool to show only the desired entries in Frontend
How to Star WPForms entries from Backend
- Go to WPForms -> Entries from the backend of your WordPress
- Select the form for which you want to ‘star’ the entries.
- Open the entry which you want to ‘star’.
- In the right sidebar you will get the option to ‘star’ the entry. Click on it will ‘star’ the entry and automatically reload the page.
- You can also unstar the entry anytime.
How to Display Only Starred Entries in Frontend
- Go to Views for WPForms and edit the view for which you want to only display the starred Entries.
- Under View Settings, check the View only Starred Entries checkbox.
- Update the view and the frontend entries will now be restricted to only starred entries.